Corporate & Civic groups
Corporate &
Civic groups
Corporate & Civic groups
Bringing Teams Together to Make a Lasting Impact
Bringing Teams Together to Make a Lasting Impact
Is your group, school, or organization looking for a rewarding service opportunity? Group projects offer a chance to build camaraderie while creating a lasting impact on the community. Whether it is helping with special events, making necessary improvements to the facilities (stables and offices) or using your expertise to work with us on a unique project, groups have created a lasting impact at Tomorrow's Rainbow.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a day for your project, please contact Mary Jo Vandervoort at 954.762.7038 or maryjo@tomorrowsrainbow.org for South Florida, or Beth Jackson at 864.380.0599 or beth@tomorrowsrainbow.org for Upstate South Carolina.
Is your group, school, or organization looking for a rewarding service opportunity? Group projects offer a chance to build camaraderie while creating a lasting impact on the community. Whether it is helping with special events, making necessary improvements to the facilities (stables and offices) or using your expertise to work with us on a unique project, groups have created a lasting impact at Tomorrow's Rainbow.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a day for your project, please contact Mary Jo Vandervoort at 954.762.7038 or maryjo@tomorrowsrainbow.org for South Florida, or Beth Jackson at 864.380.0599 or beth@tomorrowsrainbow.org for Upstate South Carolina.


Ciena Cares 2021

Citrix 2021

Fusion 2019

JLL 2021

Planet Fitness 2021

Coconut Creek HR Employees 2022

Rotary Club of Ft. Laud/Cypress Creek 2022

North Broward Prep NHS 2021

Cavalry Chapel Parkland 2022